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我們是在父親喬爾·納爾維茲(Joel Narvaez)的帶領下開始空手道之旅的。喬爾·納爾維茲(Joel Narvaez)在他的故鄉菲律賓碧瑤市擁有40多年的Shotokan空手道經驗。

2008年,Sensei Joel在坎帕斯公立學校(KAS)下開設了他的道場(澳大利亞空手道聯盟)。他的兒子Joeceph Narvaez也在11歲時開始了他的空手道之旅。

後來,Sensei Joel和Joeceph通過向各個年齡段的學生進行教與學,加深了對Shotokan空手道的理解。

JKA Campsie的核心與獎杯,職級,金錢,出勤率等無關。真正重要的是讓學生與教師之間建立持久的友誼,我們所有人都有一個共同的目標...





As a school, JKA Karate Sydney aims to support, develop and advance the proper, healthy and lawful practice of karate. High expectations are held for everyone, and ensures that students develop their skills to the highest standard. Teaching and learning experiences incorporate research-based practices, such as the repetitive practice of skills, drills, and sequences during lessons. This assists the transition of a skill from the conscious to the subconscious. As students improve, they don’t need to think consciously about the skill, which in turn frees up the brain to learn new, more complex skills and concepts. 


An integral essence of JKA Karate Sydney is to instil lifelong perseverance and determination in individuals and foster humility and gratitude in all interactions. These qualities, along with other imperative life skills, are what allow individuals to succeed, not only in karate, but in life.

More than just a karate club, JKA Karate
Sydney is a family. Instilling positive and inclusive attitudes within its students, all successes are celebrated and each student’s efforts are acknowledged; fostering lifelong friendships and a close bond amongst members. 

What really matters is making everlasting friendships from students to instructors that we all have one goal in common... Dojo Kun.

To seek perfection of character.

Be faithful.


Respect others.

Refrain from violent behaviour.


Sensei Joe

Start your Karate journey today!

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